Información empresarial

lunes, agosto 29, 2005

Blogging corporativo (externo e interno) en España

Dice Octavio Isaac que en España hay algunas compañías que ven los blogs como los nuevos medios y a los bloggers como los nuevos analistas y una clase emergente de líderes de opinión. Octavio aporta algunos ejemplos de blogging corporativo externo en nuestro país:

"Nokia distributed his model 7710 to some of the most important bloggers with an "Open Blogging Policy" - bloggers can write whatever and whenever they want about the mobile. The impact in the blogosphere was important, causing a "conversation" with hundreds of comments and posts. Nokia is commited with the
blogosphere since it has invested in advertising in Xataka, the most important gadget blog in Spanish.
Editorial Planeta is trying to reach important bloggers to post comment about their books. It seems that this strategy was original, but it is not working as good as Nokia's. Maybe because books are not a "hot" issue for Spanish bloggers, or at least not as relevant and important as a state-of-the-art mobile telephone.
SME's are using blogs following different strategies:
- Isoco, a software and internet solutions company, uses blogs as intranet to share knowledge about the industry. IT department is in charge of updating the blogs.
- kiu, a local advertising and PR company, uses its blog to promote their own clients. Its blog is kind of a online press center".

Aunque los blogs están cobrando una importancia cada vez mayor, todavía están recorriendo su camino para ser considerados como un nuevo medio o una herramienta de comunicación por "most cautious and traditional companies (who are the vast majority)". A esta afirmación Octavio añade que "as we "evangelists" bloggers say in Spain... Todo llégará..."

Por otra parte el blogging corporativo interno debería llegar con un cambio de actitud de las corporaciones. Octavio explica que "If a CEO launches a blog to let the company what he is thinking but doesn't allow -or welcome- comments, then the "so-called" blog will be something different, but not a blog". Se trata de apertura, transparencia e interés en lo que todo el mundo tiene que decir, "And I mean everybody", apostilla Octavio.
Los blogs necesitan discusiones. "I must say that I like blogs as intranets, but I love wikis to organize events and share documents internally. Wikis are able to create a "community" around a document and let people to actually edit, rewrite and complete it". Pero como dice Octavio, si resulta difícil explicar los blogs, los wikis serán el siguiente paso.

Bueno, poquito a poco.

* Corporate blogging (external) - Spain, por Octavio Isaac Rojas, en IAOC, el 15 de junio de 2005

Ver también:

- Corporate Blogging (Internal) - Spain, por Octavio Isaac Rojas, en IAOC, el 16 de junio de 2005