Información empresarial

sábado, agosto 27, 2005

Fredrik Wackå apuesta por las redes de colaboración basadas en los blogs

Fredrik Wackå apuesta por las redes de colaboración basadas en los blogs básicamente porque lo ha probado y cree que funciona. Él cuenta su caso pero a mi lo que verdaderamente me interesa son las conclusiones a las que llega.

1. Blogs have made geography irrelevant in network building
(...) Blogs are a much more qualified and profound tool than the virtual social networks that could have been another option for us.

2. Company size has become much less important
I'm a self employed consulant in Sweden and I was able to help my client start a network that today includes people in the UK, Netherlands, France, Sweden and Canada. I couldn't have done it without this blog. There are certainly other ways to do it, but none so available to everyone.

3. Blogs create revenue
You can make money because of blogging. And where direct blog revenue (i.e. ads) requires you to build heavy traffic, this indirect revenue is different. For the vast majority of bloggers that never will be able to compete with the big guys, conversations are more valuable than readership. I'd rather be read by 100 people who remember me than 100,000 that occasionally click my ads (if I had any).

* Blogging works: A personal success story, por Fredrik Wackå, en el blog CorporateBlogging, el 30 de junio de 2005