Información empresarial

martes, julio 26, 2005

"En el 2010 los blogs formarán parte de lo que llamamos Internet"

"To test the direction that blogs are heading - rather than where they have been historically - Catalyst probed usage and navigation of one of BusinessWeek's five new blogs. The result? No participant understood the mechanisms associated with RSS/subscribing to a blog - not even the minority familiar with the term RSS. What's more, few participants even recognized that they were on an actual blog - and once they did, had a very different reaction to the information presented. Prediction: come 2010 we won't be delineating blogs from web sites. They'll all be part of what we call the Internet".

* Blogs in the Eye of the Beholder, por Steve Rubel, en su blog Micro Persuasion, el martes 12 de julio de 2005