Información empresarial

miércoles, agosto 17, 2005

"Compartir información y conocimiento en la construcción": Una idea posible y necesaria

Jordi Ber reproduce en su post Compartir información y conocimiento en la construcción, una cita textual que recoge "una idea de negocio que he tenido y que me gustaría llevar a cabo. Pienso que tiene potencial disruptivo pero dudo que el mercado esté preparado para esto y si realmente se puede construir un modelo de negocio sólido". Al igual que él prefiero no traducirla pues se entiende perfectamente y resulta totalmente explicativa por sí misma.

"The Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry (AEC) is characterized by being very fragmented, project-based and very complex, with hundreds of codes, regulations, and technical specifications. Professionals in this industry are continuously facing difficult challenges in their everyday job, since every project is a prototype and they typically work in small and midsize firm without the resources to provide them with experienced advice or support. Therefore, the “wheel is reinvented” many times and costly mistakes are often done, which reduces quality and increases people’ stress.

Internet-based technologies can help AEC professionals to partly overcome this difficulty. A virtual space or website can be used to access critical technical information and obtain valuable advice from their peers to help them solve their next new job. In fact, Internet technologies introduce economies of scale in managing information, knowledge and lessons learned.

Through such a site AEC professionals will have access to hundreds of construction business processes and technical information. It seems to us that the best way to accomplish this goal is using wiki technology and applying the concept of decentralization. Besides, any member will be able to ask his/her peers any question regarding more specific situations. Each user will notify how much money is willing to pay for such an answer. Everyone would have a professional profile and a peer-rating based on their contributions.

Our project goal is to become the main source of information and knowledge sharing for all AEC professionals which at least a bachelor’s degree. First AEC professionals targeted will be recent graduates with little professional experience, who have a need to gain knowledge rapidly and are computer-literates. In the mid and long term we will establish partnerships to integrate more value-added tools: social networking, professional blogging, job search, etc".

Quiero dedicarle este post a Jordi Ber, en primer lugar porque él me dedica a mi el suyo. En segundo lugar y sobre todo porque quiero felicitarlo públicamente por todas las iniciativas que está llevando a cabo desde ConstruTIC, con un gran acierto y con enorme ilusión. Proyectos así deben ser conocidos y difundidos.

* COMPARTIR INFORMACION Y CONOCIMIENTO EN LA CONSTRUCCION, por Jordi Ber, en ConstruTIC el 10 de mayo de 2005. Sección e-learning y gestión del conocimiento