Guillaume du Gardier se compromete en estos tres posts a dar una visión de la situación en Francia. En principio la situación es así:
"I'd like to begin saying that we see mainly SMB companies in France using blogs as external communication tools rather than big account. The CEO bloggers's Club and it's 31 french members is a good exemple and also a kind of screenshot of the situation. We don't have any Bob Lutz, Jonathan Schwarz, or that kind of high level companies represented by their CEO in the blogosphere. Except perhaps Michel Edouard Leclerc, a french Wal-Mart, who is blogging since a short time and definitely handle the position of the highest level of CEO blogger in France if we talk in term of company's revenu. But the main part of the french market is constituted by companies of less than 10 employees, so it's in fact the good picture that is drawn by the blogosphere. Would we have blogs coming from brands like Renault, Chanel, Louis Vuitton or such other typical french brands, then certainly other big names would follow. Unfortunately the firs experience of a big brand on the french blogosphere has been a disaster..."
Vichy, por ejemplo que lanzó su
blog, centrado en un producto específico. El problema fue que parecía que el equipo que debía desarrollarlo "never saw a blog before seting up this first one". Así que, como cuenta Guillaume du Gardier y
como vimos aquí, todo lo que nunca debió hacerse, se hizo. Por eso, en lugar de ejemplo a seguir, el blog de Vichy permanecerá en la memoria colectiva como el ejemplo de lo que uno nunca debería hacer.
Por otra parte Du Gardier comenta que los websites de algunos e-negocios han estado utilizando los blogs como apoyo a sus ventas, proveyendo de algunos buenos ejemplos de cómo los blogs pueden generar tráfico en un website tradicional: "
La Fraise is the most well-known, a T-shirt online shop, it's founder has said several time already that his blog has had an important impact on the revenu of his boutique".
Du Gardier también ofrece ejemplos de algunos blogs que han sido utilizados para comunicar un producto específico como "
EMC Dantz blog's, dedicated to a backup software range or
Edward's, an insurance focused blog or
Nicolas Hulot's blog associated to his foundation for the safety of the Earth...".
En Francia también se han publicado libros sobre esta temática. El primero, titulado
Les Blogs, con una aproximación B2B ha sido publicado en febrero y recopila muchos casos. "I could perhaps also mention that we have our first
french lawyer blogger, Olivier Sanviti, amazing in a country where lawyers don't have the right to advertise..."
Así como
Octavio habla del caso Nokia en España, Du Gardier ha hecho lo mismo sobre la historia de esta compañía y la de Siemens en Francia.
"What happened... One week after the other, Nokia & Siemens both launched a communication program using blogger and blogs. "Bloggers" for Nokia as they've been offering a Nokia 7710 to about 20 french bloggers ( I am taking about
France here, but the overall program was on 1800 people around the world....people, not bloggers) expecting from them to blog about the mobile phone they received, while "blog" for Siemens, who quite at the same time, has been hiring 15 bloggers to test the SK 65 BlackBerry phone and share their thoughts on a dedicated blog for the time of the campaign. In both cases, we've been given (ooops, forgot to say, I am one of the rare lucky frenchy to have participate in both campaign...) the phone which might be seen as a "income" but of course it didn't affected our posts as we've been saying the good and the bad about both products... What I found very interesting in both those experience as PR blogger, is that following some thoughts about the death of PR or about DIY PR thanks or because of blogs, 2 big brands have been using blogs as PR tools... And this has been a famous idea, as from my point of view, blogs are not the end of PR but an important evolution in the way PR folks have to think about communicating information".
Blogging Corporativo Interno en FranciaAl igual que Tom Murphy y Octavio Isaac, a Guillaume du Gardier no siempre le ha resultado fácil obtener información sobre el blogging corporativo interno. Él ha entrevistado a
Didier Masse (e-Communication Manager at
Steria in France) para aprender más sobre su experiencia en blogging corporativo interno. La califica de muy positiva en términos de circulación interna de información pero también ha ayudado a alcanzar nuevos proyectos gracias a compartir las ideas.
"As PR pro, I've been using blogs to share informations with our clients regarding ongoing campaigns, which is also a very good way to store informations and to keep track of what has been said... At Blogging Planet, we've been using a blog to develop a private and secure platform to help a european PR Manager communicate with his local agencies, and by this way store and share information on one single place rather than sending out tons of emails and receiving though so many answers, difficult to track, difficult to store...
We've also been seting up a private blog for the french users club of Genesys that the marketing manager is using to keep in touch with the customers and inform them about the coming events, studies available, seminars, etc..."
Du Gardier se pregunta si los blogs internos podrían tener más impacto en la comunicación corporativa o bien más valor añadido que los externos. La respuesta cree que la dará el futuro.
Corporate blogging (external) - France, por
Guillaume du Gardier, en
IAOCblog, el 15 de junio de 2005
Corporate blogging (external) - France (II), por
Guillaume du Gardier, en
IAOCblog, el 15 de junio de 2005
Corporate blogging (Internal) - France, por
Guillaume du Gardier, en
IAOCblog, el 17 de junio de 2005